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Grabyo launches square and vertical live streaming for mobile audiences

We are delighted to announce the latest Grabyo product update to support square and vertical live streaming to multiple social and digital platforms. This latest release enables publishers, rights holders and broadcasters to deliver live content that is optimized for mobile viewing – without needing to turn your phone to watch.

Consumer video viewing habits continue to move towards mobile and other connected devices. Social and digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube now offer vertical and square live streaming as more than half of all video consumption is on mobile – more than 90% for Twitter and Facebook video.

Vertical and square live streaming is delivered through our browser-based video production platform, Grabyo Producer. Users can broadcast in any aspect ratio, adding graphics, data, visualizations, and VOD clips and highlights, The broadcasts can be enhanced with live engagement tools including real-time comments and live polling.

The release comes at a time when social apps are looking to increase the amount of premium live content hosted on their platforms. Facebook has partnered with the BBC to produce a weekly news show for Facebook Watch, called Cut Through the Noise; the show is being created for mobile users using live vertical video. The recent launch of IGTV from Instagram has created a destination for vertical-only video viewing, again for audience viewing on mobile

More than 50% of of worldwide live streaming viewers are watching on social platforms. That’s more than digital streaming subscriptions (41%) and significantly more than TV network and pay TV services. A survey by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) found 47% of these users are streaming more live video compared with a year ago, with nearly half reporting they watch less live TV as a result.

Publishers need to adopt a versatile, multi-platform approach to video production and delivery following trends in audience behaviour. Live video optimized for mobile audiences will become an essential tool for engaging audiences.

If you are interested in live streaming in square and vertical formats, offering new experiences for your mobile audience, please get in touch with us at or contact us here.

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