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Enhanced remote commentary and
dynamic text overlays

This week we’ve released multiple exciting updates for remote commentary and overlays across our live production platform, Grabyo Producer

Our live production tools are used by broadcasters, rights holders and media organizations around the world to deliver live sports and events, alternate broadcasts, live digital programming and more. 

These updates are designed to enhance these workflows for production teams to streamline their workflows. 

Let’s get into it!

Remote guest contribution: Advanced crew controls and guest chat

Producer Guest is our remote contribution feature, enabling talent to appear in live productions from anywhere in the world, using minimal equipment. 

Advanced crew controls for remote commentary

We’ve added additional controls to give production crews the ability to manage the audio and video inputs of remote guests. These controls offer a more streamlined experience for guests, who do not need any experience or knowledge of Grabyo or contribution platforms in order to appear. 

a remote commentary guest overlaid with production crew controls

These updates also give peace of mind to production teams, who can now fully control guest inputs to maintain the quality of live streams.

Guest text chat

Another upgrade for remote guests is live chat. Any guests that have been added to the same production can now interact via live text within Producer Guest.

grabyo's remote commentary platform with guests interacting in an instant messaging interface

This allows guests to stay in constant contact with each other, even while live on air. Chat is available for all guests and messages will remain even if they leave the virtual room.

Dynamic text overlays for live production

We’ve also added the ability to insert editable text overlays natively within Grabyo Producer. 

This update is designed for productions that require text elements within layouts that may need to change across single or multiple productions – for example, name straps or location straps. 

This update will streamline graphics workflows for teams using animated or static graphics in Grabyo Producer that can’t be edited once uploaded, removing the need to create and upload multiple versions of graphics with different text. 

Our text overlays functionality has support for custom fonts with controls for font weight, alignment, position, color and size.

You also have the option to use key and fill and/or HTML graphics engines, such as Singular.Live, Flowics and Dizplai, to create and insert dynamic graphics to your live streams. See more about our graphics partners here.

That’s it for now! Stay tuned for more updates coming to Grabyo Producer very soon. If you’d like a free trial or to learn more about these features, get in touch.

Stay in touch.

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