The International Paralympic Committee reaches 251m fans with Grabyo
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) teamed up with Grabyo for the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games, reaching more people across social channels than for the Sochi 2014 and London 2012 Paralympics combined.
Grabyo was used by Paralympians and fans, as well as the Games’ volunteers, IPC’s digital team and sponsor agencies to bring global audiences key moments, highlights, storylines and reactions. During a 10-day period, the IPC’s digital media channels reached 251m people across YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Weibo – more than Sochi 2014 (which reached 66m) and London 2012 (which reached 94m) combined. It also generated 17.4m video views – three times Sochi and London combined – and 650k engagements, up 67% on Sochi 2014. This was in addition to the Grabyo partnership with Eurosport for the Winter Olympic Games.
With Grabyo, the IPC’s team of volunteers posted real-time highlights of every race, match and ceremony on YouTube. The IPC’s digital team then used Grabyo to pick the best clips for distribution across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Weibo. The IPC also streamed the Games to audiences on Facebook and YouTube using Grabyo Producer.

Meanwhile, Grabyo Mobile was used to deliver a social viewing experience – the Samsung Paralympic Blogger Project. Twenty-five athletes and super fans captured nearly 200 exclusive behind-the-scenes video clips and uploaded them using Grabyo Mobile for moderators to review and post on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, complete with Samsung-branded bumpers and graphics.
Agency LiveWire Sport, working on behalf of the IPC, also used Grabyo to deliver a Twitter Amplify campaign of “Wow Moments” for Worldwide Paralympic partner Toyota. The agency clipped highlights of the action as well as other special moments, which were published with Toyota branding on Twitter with a paid-media campaign to drive distribution.
With sponsors now looking to deliver more engaging and relevant branded content campaigns that focus more on the content partnership rather than simply branding, Grabyo provides a simple workflow for quick capture, editing, moderation and monetization.
If you are looking for strategic support and ideas to enhance your social video production output and maximize engagement, please get in touch with our team.
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