Grabyo adds Instagram Reels integration
We are excited to announce an update to our Instagram publishing integration – Reels!
With 91% of the 1.4 billion Instagram users watching video on the platform every week, we have worked closely with Instagram to bring this update to our customers.
Grabyo users can now post Reels directly from within our live clipping and publishing platform. This update builds on our existing partnership with Instagram that allows our users to post video clips and edits to their page feeds.
Unlike Stories, Reels don’t disappear after 24 hours, so users can focus on more creative content publishing.
Posting Instagram Reels: How it works
You can post Reels right away if you have already linked your Instagram account to Grabyo.
Posting a Reel works the same way as posting to your Instagram feed. When you have finished creating a clip or video edit, in the final step you can choose to either post content to your feed or as a Reel.
There are limitations to posting Reels: Videos must be between three seconds to 15 minutes, and you are encouraged to create videos in 4:5 or 9:16 vertical within Grabyo to optimize the viewing experience.
Instagram has also created a top tips article to help businesses get the most out of Reels.
If you have any questions or would like to try out posting Reels using Grabyo, get in touch!
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