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Team Grabyo brings festive cheer to New Horizon Youth Centre

Supporting the great work of local charities is always important, but over the festive period this is essential.

Last week, alongside our investors Thierry Henry and Cesc Fabregas, Team Grabyo visited the New Horizon Youth Centre – a day centre working with young people who are vulnerable, homeless or at risk.

Each week, the team at New Horizon Youth Centre host fitness training sessions where they provide young people with the clothing, equipment, guidance and inspiration they need to participate in sport. Using exercise as a catalyst for creating a positive future, the New Horizon Youth Centre encourages confidence, self-sufficiency and empowerment.

Grabyo brings festive cheer to New Horizon Youth Centre

At Grabyo, we wanted to be part of this session – as did Thierry and Cesc. Taking Thierry to meet the young people at the centre, he couldn’t resist a game of table fussball (neither could we!) and he spent time getting to know the leaders at the centre and the great work that the New Horizon Youth Centre do – as well as meeting the inspiring young people who frequently visit this centre.

Next stop – a local sports centre for the weekly fitness session (also the home of Grabyo FC’s 5-a-side team!). Working with New Horizon Youth Centre’s staff, Thierry assisted them with their fitness session and ball skills. Next, with training underway, Cesc arrived with a sack of Christmas gifts!

The New Horizon Youth Centre provide clothing for all of participants in the session, with the young people able to keep their trainers if they turn up to several consecutive sessions. This is a great motive for getting young people active! Cesc’s gift sack was stocked full with bibs, training jackets and footballs kindly donated by Puma that will help the Youth Centre continue to put on their weekly sessions. In addition, with so many Arsenal and Chelsea fans in attendance – we bought a “Henry” Arsenal shirt and “Fabregas” Chelsea shirt that the guys signed on the day as a memento.

With the training session complete and gifts handed out, one brave person instigated a crossbar challenge. The pair could not resist! Juggling the ball between each other and the young people, the sports centre was filled with laughter and chatter before everyone had the chance to get their photo taken with the stars (and an impromptu game of basketball led by Thierry).

Then, we joined Thierry and Cesc as they headed to Facebook for a live Q&A with employees. After trying Oculus Rift, playing table tennis and taking advantage of the pick and mix on offer, we watched on as the two football legends appeared on-stage alongside Sky Sports’ Dave Jones to discuss the New Horizon Youth Centre, the 2015-16 Premier League and their personal football highlights.

A busy but fantastic day for Team Grabyo. It was humbling to see that we can help to make a difference for those in need at Christmas and send our thanks again to everyone involved.

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