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Automated highlights creation

See how Magnifi powers our automated highlights and live stream logging solution.

Grabyo’s AI clipping workflow has been built in partnership with Magnifi, the automated highlights generation platform, to provide video editors with an AI co-pilot for identifying, logging and publishing highlights from live streams. 

Automated highlight data is generated by Magnifi’s platform using custom cues, which are created using machine learning to identify key moments unique to each sport. Once a cue is activated during a live stream, the data is sent to Grabyo’s live clipping platform to automatically log the highlight as a segment with rich metadata in the stream’s DVR.

With highlights identified and logged by AI, content teams can streamline their workflow while retaining editorial control. This moderation layer ensures higher-quality output across social and digital platforms, with distribution to owned CMS and MAM systems.

The service can operate across multiple events simultaneously, with individual users able to view up to nine live streams with automated clips, events and compilations generated in real-time.

For a quick explainer on this partnership, check out this video with Gareth Capon, Grrabyo CEO, and Meghna Krishna, Magnifi CRO:

Grabyo yo flow

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In as little as 15 minutes, get started with our live cloud video production, live clipping and video editing platform. Integrated video distribution to multiple endpoints simultaneously. Monetize video content with ads and sponsorship.

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