Greenfly is the world’s leading media exchange platform. Top sports leagues, media & entertainment brands depend on Greenfly’s software to quickly and easily share photos and videos with groups of athletes, talent, staff, and ambassadors. When these advocates publish videos or photos on their social profiles, their implicit endorsement generates more awareness, engagement and increased loyalty for the brand.
Organizations can increase social engagement by 50% or more, and extend brand reach over 2,000% by distributing video clips and images from live events, shows, competitions and behind-the-scenes activities, harnessing the engagement power of their advocates.
Grabyo has partnered with Greenfly to enable organizations to automate real-time video clip sharing with internal and external groups of any size. Any advocate gets notified immediately on their mobile device when that video is added to a Greenfly gallery, and galleries can be easily personalized and contain clips that feature just that person. Advocates can then easily publish media to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok or just about any other social network with just a few taps.