Add remote guests to your live broadcasts
Manage multi-guest appearances
Host up to 12 guests from anywhere in the world in a single room. Add multiple guest rooms to your live broadcast.
Manage talent easily, everywhere
Share a URL link to your guest’s device of choice. All they need is an internet-enabled device with a camera and microphone.

The studio experience
Manage on-air communication
With crew intercom, mono/stereo listening controls and lazy talkback, manage on-air guests simply and easily.
Create multiple green rooms for live events
Host a virtual green room to check the audio and video quality for each guest before a broadcast goes live.
Bring in remote commentators
Recruit talent from anywhere
Provide high-quality commentary for sports broadcasts and events by recruiting talent from anywhere in the world.
Deliver in broadcast quality
Commentary teams can view the live output in ultra-low latency, with advanced sound production using Grabyo’s audio mixer.